My wife just read this little excerpt from a Jeff Foxworthy article that was in the sep 20, 2009 Parade magazine.

I expected a little funny antedote or the next generation “Your a Redneck if…” joke.  But instead I was taken back by the sheer brilliance of this observations.  Sometimes the simplest little stories give you a slight glimpse into something that is normally beyond casual conversation….this was one of those.

I’ll quote the short section that is relevant :

“The most important lesson I have learned from my own kids is that they have given me a small glimpse of how God must feel about us.  You know, your spouse is capable of doing something where you wouldn’t love him or her anymore, but your kid’s aren’t.  It doesn’t mean you don’t get angry or frustrated with them, but you cannot not love them.  They’re an awesome gift.  And I kind of think that’s how God looks at us, like, “Oh, good grief, you’re so stupid, you’re driving me crazy, BUT I STILL LOVE YOU.”

I hope I remember this……