Kids help you understand how God sees YOU

My wife just read this little excerpt from a Jeff Foxworthy article that was in the sep 20, 2009 Parade magazine. I expected a little funny antedote or the next generation "Your a Redneck if..." joke.  But instead I was taken back by the sheer brilliance of this...

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Found this one and it's very appropriate (especially for the hard times and stresses a lot of us are under these days)... ...

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The Hedge Is Falling Down

Great insights from my sister........ Many many years ago, man decided that he needed to plant a hedge to keep out the lions. His sole purpose, but to protect his women, children and way of life. He worked hard to improve the hedge. His people devoted many resources...

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I Can’t Believe….

that they didn't clean the microwave out at work after cooking something that splattered food all over the inside. Does that sound familiar..... I see it all the time at work.  Not just the microwave, but other simple acts of picking up after yourself, especially in...

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As things get a bit stressfull…..

It's time to remember a famous quote : It's not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or when the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust...

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