Great insights from my sister……..

Many many years ago, man decided that he needed to plant a hedge to keep out the lions.
His sole purpose, but to protect his women, children and way of life.
He worked hard to improve the hedge. His people devoted many resources to the hedge.
Over the centuries, his world became safer as the hedge grew thick and tall.
The lions were unable to threaten his people.
But soon, he noticed that the Hedge produced unexpected side effects.
The people became weak minded and soft. Their warrior ethos had faded.
People began to wonder why they needed a hedge. No one they knew had ever been eaten by lions.
Children would speak of the lions, but began to doubt their existence.
Generations later, children stopped believing in the lions altogether.
Eventually, the people decided that the resources set aside to maintain the Hedge, would be better used for other things.
As the Hedge fell into disrepair, terrible things happened.
Children began to disappear.
The people belatedly realized that the lions were using the gaps in the Hedge to take their children.
But it was too late, the lions were amongst them.

Karen Kelley